
Most of us have dream about our ideal wedding for a long time. However, when that time has come, the work involves in planning and coordinating can be daunting and overwhelming. As much as you would want to take on the entire planning task the immense scope of all the preparation work involved will soon take over the excitement and euphoria of getting married. The stress and hassle of planning will soon pile on as quickly as the cost of your wedding.

An average wedding takes more than 300 hours just to plan or as early as 12 months ahead of your wedding date. By engaging the eternal love as your dedicated wedding consultant, we will be an extension of your helpful right arm, personal assistant, consultant, designer and organizer all role into reassuring smile. Be assured that we are not here to rule over your decision, but to assist you in making informed decisions. With so much to do and discussion to make, we diligently assist you to design your wedding, plan and manage the work in progress, then execute the series of work based on your decision, style and budget, saving your time and money ad mist you busy work schedule.